Let's play some D&D!
I'm a D&D 5e Dungeon Master that wants to give players a great experience, I don't tend to run adventures in the official WotC settings, however, I could run some modules if there is interest; I have two settings that I've made, one where my past campaign ended and other where my players are currently playing. These settings are for you to choose and play in. Check them out in either link below.
Edandor is heavily inspired on classic fantasy worlds, it has several nations each inspired in a different culture, each having their specific characteristics and traditions, one of the nation is currently recovering from a lich's attack, where he tried to cover everything with eternal darkness.
(High Magic, Dungeon Delving, Tradicional D&D).
Read more about Edandor
Santabregat is a setting created under a meat grinder kind of mindset, the land recovered from an attack from a Tarrasque and races got mixed up together and broken apart, theres a huge stigma agaisn't races that live longer than 100 years and the wilderness is deadly
(Low-Mid Magic, Urban Intrigue, Dungeon Delving, Gritty)
Read more about Santabregat